Is your tap water safe to drink? Because unhealthy levels of contaminants such as bacteria, lead, and pesticides are found in both metropolitan and well water supplies, it's important to know whether pollutants exist in your water. And, if they do, you need to know how to remove them.
Scores of companies claim to have the latest and greatest answer to your water needs. Many types of water filters are made, and they range widely in sophistication and price. They may use reverse-osmosis, activated carbon, or ultra-violet rays to clean or purify water. Should you buy an under-the-sink reverse-osmosis filter, or will a simple spout-mounted carbon filter do? What are your other options?
The effectiveness of a particular water filter at removing specific contaminants depends upon the technology used. With this in mind, it's important to know what needs to be removed from your water--and that involves testing.
In this section, you can look at the issues of clean drinking water, learn how to get water testing accomplished, compare filter technologies, and see how to install a water filter.